0.7.3 - ci-build Norway flag

NoDomainVitalSigns - Local Development build (v0.7.3) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

VKP Mapping

VKPObservation vs NoDomainVitalSigns

VKPObservation is another profile specification implemented by Velferdsteknologisk knutepunkt and Pasientens Måledata in the NHN infrastructure. The goal of the profiles is to support sharing and searching for vital signs observations.

Mapping table

The table shows a the Observation.code (snomed) used in the different profiles. Other summarizes the extensions defined in NoDomainVitalSigns (that don’t extist in VKP).

Type observasjon Subtype Profile LOINC SNOMED IHTSDO official VKP snomed Other
blodtrykk   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationBloodpressure 85354-9 Blood pressure panel with all children optional no mapping no mapping   headTiltAngle, sleepStatus, cuffSize, bodyPosition, formulaMAPCalc, formulaSystolicCalc, formulaDiastolicCalc
  blodtrykk (systolisk) (component) 8480-6 Systolic blood-pressure 4471000202106 Systemic systolic arterial blood pressure (observable entity) 271649006 Systolic blood pressure (observable entity) 271649006 - Systolic blood pressure  
  blodtrykk (diastolisk) (component) 8462-4 Diastolic blood-pressure 4481000202108 Systemic diastolic arterial blood pressure (observable entity) 271650006 Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity) 271650006 - Diastolic blood pressure  
  MeanArterialPressure (added) (component) 8478-0 4491000202105 (finnes ikke i norsk ekstensjon)   IKKE i VKP  
  PulsePressure (added) (component) NA 4461000202102 Systemic arterial pulse pressure (observable entity)   IKKE i VKP  
kroppshøyde   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationBodyHeight 8302-2 Body height 50373000 Body height measure (observable entity) 248334005 Length of body (observable entity) IKKE i VKP  
temperatur   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationBodyTemp 8310-5 Body temperature 276885007 Core body temperature (observable entity) 276885007 Core body temperature (observable entity) 276885007 - Core body temperature daysSinceMenstruationStart, bodyExposure, activeHeating
kroppsvekt   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationBodyWeight 29563-7 Body weight 27113001 Body weight (observable entity) 27113001 Body weight (observable entity) 27113001 - Body weight clothingState, confoundingFactor
hjertefrekvens   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationHeartRate 8867-4 heart-rate 364075005 Heart Rate 78564009 Heart rate measured at systemic artery (observable entity) ECL bruker 364075005 364075005 Heart Rate heartRythm, confoundingFactor, clinicalDescription, characterOfHeartrate, BodyPosition, heartRythmIrregularity
puls   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationPulse 8867-4 heart-rate 78564009 Heart rate measured at systemic artery (observable entity) 78564009 Heart rate measured at systemic artery (observable entity) ECL bruker 364075005 IKKE i VKP  
oksygenmetning   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationOxygenSaturation 2708-6 (bør erstattes med 59408-5 internasjonalt) 431314004 Peripheral oxygen saturation (observable entity) 431314004 Peripheral oxygen saturation (observable entity) 431314004 - Peripheral oxygen saturation inspiredOxygen
respirasjonsfrekvens   NoDomainVitalSignsObservationRespirationRate 9279-1 Respiratory Rate 271625008 Rate of spontaneous respiration (observable entity) 86290005 Respiratory rate (observable entity) IKKE i VKP  
blodsukker (bare i VKP)   VKPObservation 15074-8 - Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood     434912009 - Blood glucose concentration  
poengsum for skjemabesvarelse   VKPObservation 74465-6 - Questionnaire response Document     BARE i VKP