0.3.0 - ci-build Norway flag

VkpObservation - Local Development build (v0.3.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example Observation: body-mass-index-create

Generated Narrative: Observation

Resource Observation "body-mass-index-create" Version "0" Updated "2021-05-31 22:35:00+0000"

Information Source: META_VISION!

identifier: id: External Id: testBMIexternalId8

status: final

category: vital-signs (Observation Category Codes#vital-signs)

code: Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio] (LOINC#39156-5)

subject: patient/cdp1000239

encounter: Encounter/agy1000245

effective: 2021-05-31


value: 32 kg/m2 (Details: UCUM code kg/m2 = 'kg/m2')

interpretation: Obese ()

note: Demo BMI

method: Automatisk registrering (SNOMED CT#1xxxx)