0.3.0 - ci-build Norway flag

VkpObservation - Local Development build (v0.3.0). See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: http://ehelse.no/fhir/ImplementationGuide/ehelse.fhir.no.vkp.observation Version: 0.3.0
Draft as of 2023-03-14 Computable Name: VkpObservation

Vkp Observation profiles

Profiles for use in Vkp. Scope of use is Personal connected health and care domain to exchange simple medical observations (mostly vital-signs) for patients receiving care services at home. The profiles should be suitable for exchgange between many different kind of client systems owned by different actors providing care to the patient, including:

  • Municipality services
  • Hospital
  • General Practitioner

Based on FHIR VitalSigns where appropriate.

Interoperability methods

The interactions from client to server.


Scope stage 1

Information exchange defined as the scope of delivery of Observation profiles in stage 1.

Type observasjon undertype Profil LOINC SNOMED NPU/NLK
hjertefrekvens   VkpObservationHeartrate 8867-4 heart-rate 364075005 Heart Rate  
blodtrykk   VkpObservationBloodpressure 85354-9 Blood pressure panel with all children optional 75367002 Blood pressure (observable entity)  
  blodtrykk (systolisk) (component) 8480-6 Systolic blood-pressure 271649006 Systolic blood pressure (observable entity)  
  blodtrykk (diastolisk) (component) 8462-4 Diastolic blood-pressure 271650006 Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)  
oksygenmetning   VkpObservationOxygensat 2708-6 Oxygen saturation in arterial blood 431314004 Peripheral oxygen saturation (observable entity)  
blodsukker   VkpObservation 15074-8 Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood 434912009 Blood glucose concentration NPU02187 B—Glucose; subst.c. = ? mmol/L
temperatur   VkpObservationBodytemp 8310-5 Body temperature 276885007 Core body temperature (observable entity)  
kroppsvekt   VkpObservationBodyweight 29563-7 Body weight 27113001 Body weight (observable entity)  

Scope stage 2

Observations for NEWS2 score, respiration rate and conciousness.

Type observasjon undertype Profil LOINC SNOMED
NEWS2-score   VkpObservationNEWS2score - code: 1104051000000101 Royal College of Physicians NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) total score
respirasjonsrate   VkpObservationResprate 9279-1 Respiratory rate 86290005 Respiratory rate (observable entity)
bevisthetsnivå   VkpObservationConciousness - code: 1104441000000107 Alert Confusion Voice Pain Unresponsive scale score (observable entity)

Scope stage 3

Questionaire scores. Question, different coding for different questionnaire types? (COPD etc.)

Type observasjon undertype Profil LOINC SNOMED
poengsum skjema   VkpObservation code: 74465-6 Questionnaire response document ?