0.3.0 - ci-build Norway flag

VkpObservation - Local Development build (v0.3.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example Observation: news2-create

Generated Narrative: Observation

Resource Observation "news2-create" Version "0" Updated "2014-01-30 11:35:23+0000"

Information Source: MEDANETS!

identifier: id: External Id: testNEWS2

status: final

category: Survey (Observation Category Codes#survey)

code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) total score (SNOMED CT#1104051000000101)

subject: Patient/cdp1000807

effective: 2021-11-02


value: 20 score (Details: UCUM code score = 'score')


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - respiration rate score (SNOMED CT#1104301000000104)

value: 3 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: ≥25 ()


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - oxygen saturation scale 2 score (SNOMED CT#1104321000000108)

value: 3 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: 93–94 med oksygentilførsel ()


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - air or oxygen score (SNOMED CT#1104331000000105)

value: 2 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: Oksygen ()


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - pulse score (SNOMED CT#1104351000000103)

value: 3 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: ≤40 ()


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - systolic blood pressure score (SNOMED CT#1104341000000101)

value: 3 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: ≤90 ()


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - consciousness score (SNOMED CT#1104361000000100)

value: 3 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: C, V, P eller U ()


code: NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2) - temperature score (SNOMED CT#1104371000000107)

value: 3 ScoreOf (Details: UCUM code {ScoreOf} = '{ScoreOf}')

interpretation: ≤35.0 ()