1.4.1 - ci-build

DiagnosticReportIG - Local Development build (v1.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


DiagnosticReport for use in Nilar to accomodate laboratory reports received using http://www.kith.no/xmlstds/labsvar/2012-02-15, v1.3 and v1.4.


Observation as used in Nilar, referenced from NilarDiagnosticReport.


OperationOutcome used to bring feedback to client. It has some particular used for informing about privacy settings that might influence query results.


PractitionerRole as used in Nilar. Used to combine actors of type Practitioner and Organization. Practitioner and Organization are referenced by their Identifier.


ServiceRecuest as used in Nilar, referenced from NilarDiagnosticReport.


Specimen as used in Nilar, referenced from NilarDiagnosticReport and NilarObservation.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Used to indicate if the party involved has accreditation for aquiring the specimen or perfoing the analysis in question.

Approval Date

Time diagnostic report was approved.


This extension is intended to add an element similar to ‘Note’ in resources that do not have Note.

Container Count

Number of containers or other devices related to a specimen sample.

Counter Sign Date

Time the investigation was counter signed.

Description Date

Time for description of image-based investigation.

Diagnostic Report Ref

In Nilar the origin of observations is a report. This extension is used to create a reference form each observation back to the report of origin.


Indicates if an observation (or possibly awhole report) is ‘history’, i.e. a copy/repetition af information sent previously.

Inf Item

Used on DiagnosticReport to convey clinical information relevant for correct interpretation of the results in the report.

Inf Item Coded Descr

Coded description of clinical information.

Inf Item Descr

Description of the clinical information.

Inf Item End

End time for clinical information.

Inf Item Org Time

Time of recording the clinical information.

Inf Item Start

Start time for clinical information.

Inf Item Type

Type of clinical information

Investigation Date

Time the investigation was performed.


How the sample is being sent.

Medical Validation Date

Time of medical validation of the investigation.

Payment Category

Who pays for these investigations.


Specifies pretreatment of patient from which specimen is sampled.

Receipt Date

Time the request was received.

Related Observation

Reference to related Observation.

Report Date

Time this report was first published (first version).


Reservations the patient might have, regarding registration etc.

Sample Handling

Precausions or warnings regarding handling of the specimen sample.


This extension is used to convey further specification about an object.

Status Changed Date

Time of last state change.

Study Product Ref

Reference to product being studied.

Study Product Type

Type of studied product.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

All Observation Codes VS

All codes found in investigation or result. Used in Observation.meta.tag where all codes are accumulated for easy search.

Collector Comment VS

Coded comments from collector of sample.

Deviation Indicator VS

Indicates if a numeric observation value is ouside reference boundaries.

Document Restriction VS

Codes with furtehr information about a document restriction.

Expertise ValueSet

Expertise of investigation used in producing an Observation.

Identifier Source VS

Various resources has one or two identifiers, provided by requester or service provider. These are the naming systems used to identify the origin of the identifiers.

Inf Item Coded Descr VS

Value set for coded description of clinical information.

Inf Item Type VS

Codes for type of clinical information.

Investigation Id VS

Codes used to identify individual investigations leading up to an observation.

Investigation Method VS

Codes used to specify method used in investigation.

Investigation Spec VS

Codes used to specify supplementary information about investigations.

Main Expertise VS

The main type of labaratory expertise expressed in a DiagnosticReport.

Observation Result VS

Codes used to convey textual result values.

Organization It Type VS

Id types for organizations involved in DiagnosticReport/Observation

Outcome Details VS

A code that gives more details to the outcome, such as privacy settings.

Payment Category VS

Codes for who will pay for the investigations.

Person Id Type VS

Id types used to identify persons involved, other than the patient.


Codes for pretreatment of patient from which specimen is sampled.


Id types used to identify patients

Report Comment VS

Codes used for comments in diagnostic report.

Request Reason VS

Type of text reply, indicates reason for request.

Requisition Comment VS

Codes used in requsition comments. 8234 represents ‘heading’, 8274 reresents coded text.

Reservation Codes

Reservations the patient might have, regarding registration etc.

Specimen Type VS

Type og material in specimen.

Type of diagnostic report

Type of diagnostic report, indication the kind of tests/procedures performed in a DiagnosticReport.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Identifier Source CS

Various resources has one or two identifiers, provided by requester or service provider. These are naming systems used to identify the origin of the identifiers.

Organization Id Type CS

Id types used to identify organizations.

Person Id Type CS

Id types used to identify persons involved, other than the patient.

Public Id Type CS

Id types used to identify patients

Pvk Outcome CS

A code that indicates how privacy settings (PVK) may have affected the outcome.