Møte 17 i FHIR fagforum
- Dato: 2023-03-29
- Klokkeslett: 1300-1500
FHIR fagforum (FFF) er et åpent forum om bruk og implementering av HL7 FHIR i Norge. FFF er åpent for alle.
Agenda: Gravitate Health and CAPABLE
- Intro and HL7 Norway Thomas T Rosenlund & Øyvind Aassve (5 min)
- Gravitate health intro, Anne Moen, UiO (5 min)
- FHIR resources used in Gravitate-Health; IGs and opportunities from participation in HL7 accelerators to expedite transition - Craig Anderson Pfizer and Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Europe (25 min)
- Collaboration activities to populate EU ePI Common Standard (where HL7 ePI IG plays a role) - contributions by Adam Kover, Felleskatalogen, CAPABLE and Gravitate-Health (25 min)
- CAPABLE use of HL7 FHIR, including EU ePI Common Standard to support Gravitate-Health testing scenarios Petter Hurlen, AHUS and Knut Skifjeld, Norsk e-helse (25 min)
- Open DIPS: An open developer sandbox for digital healtchare innovations, Bjørn Fjukstad, DIPS (25 min)
- Eventuelt og diskusjon (10 min)
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